T-Sport™ Wrap
The EquiFit T-Sport™ Wrap is Millar Brooke South’s FAVORITE product. From schooling at home to CSI3*s, the T-Sport™ Wrap is essential to our jumping program. Designed for athletes, these wraps not only protect our horses legs while jumping, but they also protect against muscle sprains and strains.
Proud to partner with EquiFit
From training at home to showing in the ring, Millar Brooke South trusts EquiFit with the protection and health of our horses’ legs as well as essential training tack and accessories. From our favorite T-Sport™ Wraps to the Essential® BellBoot™ and the Essential® Schooling Girths, team MBS is proud to partner with EquiFit.
Custom D-Teq™ Front Boot
Team Millar Brooke South is all about our custom colors. From our classic MBS blue to all black tack, even our students and clients love adding their own spin in the ring. We love the EquiFit CustomLab, and it doesnt stop with boots! Shop our client, Rachel Wilks’, EquiFit style below.