Jonathon Millar Update

“Difficult roads always lead to beautiful destinations.” — Zig Ziglar

It has been almost 5 months since Jonathon’s accident, and his road to recovery has not been an easy one. It has been painful, both physically and emotionally, yet through it all Jonathon and Kelly have charged forward as a united front with learning the ropes of the “new normal” that was laid out for them. 

But here’s the thing…for Jonathon and Kelly, “normal” will never be acceptable for either of them.  It is not in their DNA.

Kelly Soleau-Millar and Jonathon Millar at their first horse show after the accident. Split Rock Jumping Tour in Lexington, Kentucky in June.

Five months ago, it was unclear if Jonathon would survive the accident. If he did survive, the speculation was that he would not lead the life he once knew. That was an unacceptable prognosis for Kelly, and once Jonathon woke…together Kelly & Jonathon made the decision that their story was going to have a very different outcome. 

Their lives were going to be different for sure…their “different“ was going to be defined by them, not by somebody else, and so began their journey of recovery. Survival was not good enough for them…thriving…that’s the outcome they have been chasing.

Jonathon spent 2 weeks in a coma, 4 weeks in ICU and then 6 weeks in intensive inpatient therapy where Jonathon had to relearn the very basics of swallowing, speaking and eating independently. With Kelly by his side, through every second of it, it was there in those moments that it was decided that relearning to stand, sit, and then walk was the “short term goal.”  Defying the odds and expectations of others, with Kelly by his side, Jonathon completed the inpatient program and walked out of Shepherd Center.

Walking now independently, and building on previous therapies, Jonathon has spent the last six weeks at Shepherd Pathways in Atlanta.  Working on strengthening his left shoulder and hand, as well as working through the cognitive effects due to his brain injury, Jonathon has once again overcome the odds and will now be transferred to another rehabilitation program in Lexington, Kentucky to continue working on achieving his goals.

Jonathon and Kelly with their incredible care team at The Shepard Center

Throughout the past five months, Kelly has continued to not only operate the business, she has also been able to coach and mentor their students all the while making sure they have had their own successes in the show ring.

With Jonathon being deemed able to travel, together they have driven back and forth on weekends to Lexington Kentucky where Kelly has also been competing herself with Jonathon cheering her on ringside.  In short, they have not only kept the wheels turning, they have seen incredible successes with Millar Brooke South and their students.

Starting in August, Jonathon will begin his next phase of therapy at Cardinal Hill Rehabilitation Center in Lexington Kentucky where he will require surgery on his right eye as there is damage to his retina due to the initial injury.  This phase of therapy is where Jonathon is planning on being deemed able to once again drive as well as get back in the saddle. The place where he absolutely belongs.

Together, Jonathon & Kelly have overcome some giant obstacles, and yet they have never looked at their situation through grave lenses.  Of course there have been moments of  sadness, frustration and disappointment…but fundamentally at the very core, Jonathon and Kelly have taken a different approach and a very different perspective on what their future will look like. 

“Pity parties”, nope…”poor me’s”,  not happening. “I can and I will, as well as “We can and we will” has become their mantra.  Together they are forging their own path towards their future and Jonathon & Kelly stand with hope and a belief that the life they have worked so hard for will continue to be a place where they thrive.

We are thankful for your continued support and encouragement, and we thank you for believing in us and our vision. Without our incredible team of doctors, therapists, family and friends, we would not be where we are today and we will forever be grateful.  From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you. 


Donate to the Jonathon Millar Recovery Fund Here


Kentucky Spring Recap


Weekly Recap: WEF 8